Monday, November 28, 2011


So the end of the semester is here (next Tuesday to be exact). This means I have been SUPER busy with exam prep and final papers and so forth.  Hence, not much blogging time :(


this means soo many crafts, baking and wonderfulness. I already have three recipes and some awesome crafts to post.
In the meantime I will give ya a peek into the past few weeks....

Check back soon!!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Hey guys!  IT IS SOOO CLOSE TO BASKETBALL SEASON! The roller-coaster has already begun as practice for the Beast heats up. Their first game is November 11th. Details to follow :)
Ok sorry for the lack of substantial is pretty crazy with school lately. I have some great projects up my sleeve I can't wait to post later though!!
In the meantime take a look at this article...How smart!

Yale Law School Library Using Therapy Dog for Stressed Out Students

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Why is it only tuesday??

Tons and tons to get done for this bear and bug....It's like I can taste freedom, but not enough to enjoy it quite yet. Callie expresses my emotion perfectly. Fingers crossed for my speech and exam tomorrow!!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Easy 3 Ingredient Mexican Dip. Seriously Delicious!

Hey Y'all!
   Ok so the first thing...I love dip. Always have. Maybe it comes from a love of chips...I don't know. But, I love it. I love easy dip even more. So today I'm going to teach you the coveted "Jamie's Dip Recipe".  Now, Jamie was my babysitter years ago. She put up with a lot, and yet often made us this awesome dip. Hell if I would have fed us monsters, but Jamie was a good soul.

You will need the following 3 ingredients....A block of Pepper Jack Cheese (doesn't have to be the gigantic block...the small one will do fine), 1/3rd Fat Cream Cheese, Hormel Chili-No Beans

Also pick up some Tostitos Chips if you would like!

Now go ahead and heat your oven to 350 degrees

First, you are going to spread the entire package of cream cheese evenly throughout the bottom of your 9 X 13 glass dish.

Next, spread the can of chili on top of the cream cheese...

Now this next part is terribly difficult. In fact, some of you should probably just go ahead and quit now...but for those brave enough to try, we march on...
Take your cheese block and cut slices to be added on top. These don't need to be extremely thick slices...but thick enough to hold their own...I mean that made perfect sense right?

Next, give the sweet puppy a chesse slice...and not a stingy one you cheap ass....

Ok, you're basically done! Place the dish in the oven for appx 15 mins. Basically, you want the cheese on top to be bubbling before you take it out.
 Scoop a big dollop (eeeh, I don't really like that word)...spoonful (or 7) on your plate, throw in some chips and enjoy! I know it doesn't look gorgeous, but I promise it is delicious!

BAM! Look who is all fancy with their dip! I promise the guys will LOVE this come time to watch football!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Wait, I'm a blogger?

   Well I must say I never thought I would start a blog. Then again, I never thought I would be dating a 6'9" Lithuanian basketball player, spending hours upon hours doing crafts, teaching myself to sew, cooking or helping therapy dogs change lives...I guess life has a way of surprising you at times.
   I've recently become pretty addicted to the website pinterest. I mean a place where people can post beautiful pictures linking to inspiring stories, projects, recipes, are people not addicted? Ok, a little melodramatic I know, but still, I love it.  Through pinterest I have come across some pretty awesome blogs, and thus was inspired to create one of my own.  No, I am not some genius or have any extraordinary talents I would be mistaken not to share with the rest of the world, but I do have a wonderful family and group of friends who I do not always update on my life as often as one should.  Hopefully through this blog, everyone can feel a bit more in our loop :)

Check back soon!

 High Five to you for reading!!!